Donations update

In the past week we have received three very generous personal donations from individuals that span generations of involvement with our program. Neil and Mary Neasmith, Paul and Aiden Proderick and Ted Sheppard were the donors. Neil and Mary Neasmith had children that played with us in the 1980’s and they have been regular donors to us over the years. Paul Proderick was a Principal at St. Pat’s and his son Aiden that also played in the league is now at St. Lawrence College and playing soccer and Badminton as a varsity athlete there and they are also regular donors to the league. Ted Sheppard is a parent of a current player but has also had other children come through the league. To all of you and to the families that weekly tell us to “keep the change” at the canteen, and the many others that have made personal donations this year – thank you for believing in what we do for the children in the community. YOU are all difference makers in the lives of our players and their families.

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