
2019-20 Divisions & Age Groups
Ages as of April 1, 2020
Little Guys Division Boys 8 – 10 Tuesday nights at St. Francis of Assisi School
Biddy Boys Division Boys 11 – 12 Monday night at St. Francis of Assisi School
Graduate Division Boys 13 – 15 Monday night at Ecole Cathedrale
Little Gals Division Girls 8 – 10 Thursday night at St. Francis of Assisi School
Girls Division Girls 11 – 14 Wednesday night at St. Francis of Assisi School


Division Age Group
Little Guys 8 – 10
Team Name Coaches
Tarheels  Cory Hollywood; 
Hoyas  Shawn Hollywood; Parker Hollywood
Wildcats  Gord and Brendan Dalton
Huskies  Rob O’Grady; Grady Irwin
Mustangs  Lucy and Martin Harris, Lucy Meleschuk
Wolfpack  Jen Jackson-Broome; Marla Bransfield; Anna Cotton
Division Age Group
Biddy Boys 11 – 12
Team Name Coaches
Jazz Doug Jeffries: John McGaw
Magic  Taylor Burns; Savannah Medley; Katie Duttle
Spurs  Matt Charlton; Erin Eagles; A. J. Carscallen
Raptors  Evan Allen; Taylor Evans
Nuggets  Brock Poirier; Ahmer Shazad; Jenn Psyne
Orange  Paul Medeiros; Luis DeMatos; Jack Molson
Suns Roland Billings; Jen Bridgen; Dylan Blackwell
Grizzlies  Mike Bowman; Sean Murphy



Age Group

Graduate Boys

13 – 15

Team Name





 Fraser McArthur; Jeff Bilow; Jolene Kirkpatrick


  Charlie Mignault; 


Amanda Kyle; Zoe Yanovsky





Division Age Group
Little Gals 8 – 10
Team Name Coaches
Rockers Heather Martin
Slammers  Taylor Young; Corey Young; Madison Young
Monarchs  Cyndal, Gord and Tatum Vallier
Rebels  Amber Allport; Shea Vince; Cassandra Hawkins
Lions  Avery Herrington
Golden Gals  Lindsey Hawkins,  and Heather Hollywood
Tigers  Gloria DeMatos; 


Division Age Group
Girls 11 – 14
Team Name Coaches
Monarchs Kelly Davison; Mackenzie Duttle; Sarah Morris
Liberty  Tom Dee; Julie Whitbread; 
Storm  Calista Payne; Jordan Gray; Caroline Hummell
Sparks Taylor Burns; Haley Torres
Comets  Erin Finn; Neil Finn; Madison Young

17 Responses to Divisions

  1. Lisa Healey says:

    Hello. When and how can I sign up my 11 year old daughter (turns 12 in Oct) for basketball with the Knights of Columbus?

    • Hi Lisa

      Registration is on Saturday September 12, 2015 at St. patrick School – 158 Patrick Street. I just posted an update on registration on the web site and Facebook pages. We will be changing our league name this season to the “Pete” Petersen Basketball League – same format, same commitment to teaching the children how much fun the game can be, and the same commitment to safe affordable basketball. If there are any questions that are not answered by the post please let me know and I will answer them for you. Thanks for your interest in our program.

      Roland Billings

  2. allison says:

    Looking for info to sign my 12 yold girl up for basketball. Thanks!

    • Hi

      Our season is almost finished for this year. Registration for next year will be on the Saturday after Labour Day. The age group that your daughter would be in plays their games on Wednesday nights, and the cost for the season is $10. I post reminders on our Facebook page and this web site through the summer. Hope that helps.

  3. Kristie says:

    Hi I haven’t been contacted yet as to what team my son Kaiden cox is on yet this year
    He’s on the little guys division.
    Thanks kristie

    • Good morning. Thank you for contacting us. There were no contact phone numbers on Kaiden’s registration form so the coach was unable to get in touch with you. He is on the Rebels in the Little Guys Division and his first game is Tuesday October 3 at 6 pm. Please make sure to give the coach the contact information on Tuesday before the game.

      Roland Billings

  4. Lamia bukhari says:

    Can my son 10years old still register?

    • Hi

      Unfortunately that age group is full for this season, as is our waiting list so we are not taking any more names. Registration for the 2018-19 season will be on the Saturday after Labour Day, and we will have full details here. Roland Billings

      • Tom allinson says:

        I like to leave a comment regarding myself and my daughter that traveled over an hour and a half for registration this year and waited five and a half hours in the cold for a gentleman to come out and say that it is full and the waiting list is full as a parent it’s so disgraceful leaving there with my child so unhappy as she played last year for the I think the registration part of it is ran very poorly no kid should be denied to play a sport especially when they are told to their face that it is full and the waiting list is full to I played Knights of Columbus my whole childhood life from little guys right up to graduate league and never once had a problem like this I understand the demand for Pete Peterson Knights of Columbus but I know in my heart if some little child wanted to play Pete would get a chance and make them play somehow someway but once again I think it should be ran somewhat different when it comes to registration and no child should be shot down especially walk down in shame pass a number of other families that God in we were there at 4 in the morning travel over an hour and a half to get there and once again only just tell us that we can’t play It’s So disgraceful I am so hurt and disgusted I can’t believe what just happened on the weekend it’s to the point now where I want to go to the papers and explain my story all in all for the other families that didn’t get in that we’re waiting there 4/4 hours I’m saying this in regards to you too things should change all kids should play to a point argue if you want to come tell my daughter that she can’t play that she waited a year to play and now she was told you can thanks very much

        • Hi Tom

          I’m sorry that it did not work out for you and your daughter this season. We have limited space in all divisions and limited time that we can spend in the gym. When you played we were rarely full and there was usually always room for a few more players whenever they wanted to sign up. Now we have 38 teams in five divisions and room for 474 players, and we usually fill up every year. Having registration the way we do as first come, first served gives everyone an equal chance to get registered every year. We do not, and cannot dictate when people line up, only when we will start the process. Because of our popularity we hope that we will be full every season, but with that we also know that people will be disappointed because we have a limited number of spaces, and sometimes those are people that have played with us before. This year a player 8-10 years old for the Little Gals Division could have walked up at 10:25 and still been registered. Pete would have shared our collective disappointment that we did not have room for everyone, but he also trusted and believed in what we do at registration day and throughout the season to ensure that we continue to provide a safe and affordable place for children to learn and play the game of basketball.
          I do have to dispute one part of your letter though Tom. If you had been at the school at 4 am as you say, you would have been registered. My wife was in line at 5:10 to register our great nephew, and he is #50 of 96 in Biddy. When she got to the desk to get a registration form there were still plenty of spots left in the Girls Division. I know this because I was at that desk.

          No words are going to stop your daughter’s disappointment. I understand that. I also know that what we are doing is good for the community and the children we have playing.

          Roland Billings

  5. Courtney says:

    Any space left for at 15-year old boy?

  6. Kristie says:

    Hi Rolland, I remember you saying at half time one game, there would be a make up game due to Halloween falling on a game night, I can’t remember if it’s this Tuesday December 19th? Or if there even is a make up game?
    Thanks kristie

  7. Marissa says:

    Hello how can i register my 13 yeard old son ? How much ?

    • Good morning

      All three of our boys divisions are full for this season as are our waiting lists. We are not taking any more names for this season. Registration for the 2019-2020 season will be the Saturday after Labour Day 2019.

      Roland Billings

  8. Christine Heins says:

    I am wondering if there are any spots left for a ten year old boy!? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    • Good morning. We will not be operating now until the fall of 2022. Registration is planned for the Saturday after Labour Day (September 10) and will be held at St. Francis of Assisi School in Rideau Heights. Depending on when your son’s birthday falls he will either be in the 8-10 year old group or the 11-12 group. All ages for the next season will be the age he player will be on April 1, 2023. If he is 10 now he will probably be in the 11-12 group. That is the Biddy Division and they play on Monday nights. There are 8 teams in the division, so there are four games in 45 minute time slots starting at 6 pm. Registration is on a first come , first served basis and there is no on line or pre-registration. parents tend to line up very early since space is limited. Cost for the season is $10. Becasue we are an all volunteer organization we are able to keep the price affordable for all. We play a 17 or 18 game season, and there are no standings and no playoffs. Please let me know if there are other questions you might have. Roland Billings

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