Biddy Division Results

Results of Games Played Monday February 11, 2013

Grizzlies 34 (Colin Bowman 14, Yates Drake 7, Josh Hull 5, Casey Irvin 2, Hayden Fowler 2, Matthew Tidman 2, Jack MacDonald 2, Riley Stretch 2); Magic 13 (Cyrus Cowlan 7, Aiden Johnson 2, Jack Selkirk 2, Alex Forbes 2)

Raptors 24 (Noah Frymire 10, Nick Vallier 6, Nicholas Kotsovolos 4, Griffen Sutherland 4); Ravens 22 (Michael Donaldson 10, Tyler Badour 8, Johnathan Murphy 2, Brandon Sousa 2)

Tarheels 43 (Michael Rowsell 23, Domenic Montalbano 14, Alex Correia 2, Sergio Laranjeria 2); Vikings 20 (Cameron Hoekstra 14, Mitchell Blasko 4, Joel Braithwaite 2)

Suns 42 (Zach O’Grady 16, Carson Payne 8, Mason Jonassen 5, Cameron Hoekstra 4, Mohamed Taher 4, Nicholas Fellows 3, Marcus Vingerhoeds 2); Cavaliers 27 (Jacob Corby 9, William Kennedy 4, Patrick Krasna 4, Mackenzie Wilson 4, Justin McKeigan 2, Jarrett Davison 2, Hamza Imtiaz 2)

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