With last games of the season being played in the next few days in all divisions we thought a few details about the banquet would help with family planning for the event.
Timing and Location: Sunday March 2, 2025 at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Hall. Doors open at noon and we will start serving food shortly after that. The show starts at one and we usually wrap up by 3 pm.
Attendance: Space is limited at the hall, so we ask that NO MORE THAN TWO PEOPLE ATTEND WITH YOUR PLAYER. We encourage extended families to come to the last games of the season to support your players at these special games. If you want to drop off your player to attend the banquet on their own, please plan on being there by 3pm for your prearranged pick up. (We will not have supervision for this process)
Restricted Diets: We will have a limited number of Halal and vegetarian hot dogs available through the kitchen helpers. Please identify yourself to the people there for assistance. If you have gluten issues we ask that you please bring your own buns to the event.
Special Effects: For our opening we sometimes use special effects including strobe lights.
Family Reunification Post Banquet: Since the players sit apart from the adults, we ask that you preplan where to meet with your child after the event concludes. Our recommendation is that you meet at or near the ticket selling desks near the main entry doors if you have concerns.
Posters: There will be a number of posters on display at the banquet. We ask that you leave them in place until after the event, and then you are free to remove those containing photos of your child.
Post Banquet Help: If you can spare a few minutes after the banquet to help with clean up that would be greatly appreciated.