Donations Update

In the past week we have received three significant donations in support of what we do for children in the community.

The first was from the Fraser family and the note with the donation said in part “Our son, daughter, and now grandchildren have had the opportunity to join in the fun of playing basketball in the league. They all have experienced the fun and camaraderie during their involvement, and the feeling of being welcomed and belonging. We know first hand the importance of what you and the volunteers do! You are difference makers in the lives of the children involved in the league.”

The second donation was from Brad Horton at Exclusive Cooling Limited. Brad had heard about what we do, and, like the Fraser family, wanted to help make a difference in the lives of the children in the community. Exclusive Cooling is a first time donator and we are very happy to welcome them into the league family.

The third very generous donation was from Doug and Nancy Vivian. Like the Fraser family, they have had a son, and grandchildren play in the league and their son Ryan and granddaughters have also coached. For MANY years they have supported the canteen and the banquet with donations of drinks and they want to continue ie that tradition with this donation.

We are often asked “How can you do what you do for only $10?” The answer is our partnership with the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board, and the generosity of both the business community and league families that want to support us. Our thanks to the Frasers, the Vivians, and to Brad Horton at Exclusive Cooling. Thank you for believing in what we do for the children in our community. You are truly difference makers in the lives of our players and their families!

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