With just a few weeks to go before registration on September 6, here are answers to two more frequently asked questions. We will put more on the page throughout this week.
Question: I have heard that you have to be at the school at 4 am to get signed up is that true? Answer: No. In the past there have been some hardy souls that camped out overnight to be the first in line but that has not been the case for a number of years. We do recommend that you get there early, and we will make sure that the school is open as soon as possible to give those in line access to the washroom facilities. As you line up we ask that you remain orderly and take the chance to get to know some of the other parents in the league.
Question: What are the age cut off dates between divisions? Answer: The ages for all of our divisions this season is the age that the player will be on April 1, 2015.