
It is with profound sadness that we announce that Don “Pete” Petersen, the founder of the Knights of Columbus Basketball League, mentor, confidant, brother, uncle and friend to thousands who knew him, died this morning. We were blessed to have his guidance for the entire time that the league has been in operation and as I was putting these photos together I thought of two quotes. The first exemplifies how Pete lived his life – “You make a living from what you get, you make a life from what you give”. In 1995 Pete was given the Paul Harris Fellow by the local Rotary Club. The motto “Service Above Self” fully describes the man he was.
The second quote is well known at times of remembrance – “to you with failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high.” It will continue to be the responsibility of the current and future leadership of the league to ensure that we hold true to the dreams and ideals of this great and humble man. There is a gallery of photos on the league Facebook page.
Roland Billings

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