This is National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week runs from April 6-12 this year and what better time could there be to thank the more than 70 volunteer coaches, scorers, timers referees, canteen helpers and executive that make our basketball league happen. Volunteers are the cornerstone of our organization, and without them we would not be the special place for children to learn the game of basketball every season. The Volunteer Canada web site says that Canada has 13.3 million volunteers, and goes on to say “Volunteers strengthen our communities and make our country vibrant. The Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, calls Canada “a smart and caring nation.” It’s our dedication to community involvement that has given us that reputation at home and around the globe.”

Thank you to our volunteers, and if you know of other volunteers in our community, take the time to thank them this week for what they do to make this a better place to live.

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